P.E. is a wonderful subject and one of the most popular amongst our pupils. On this page we hope to inform you about our approach to teaching it. This also links to our sports premium funding which you can find under the key information section. To explain how we teach P.E., we have broken this page into three broad sections:
Intent: the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain
Implementation: how the curriculum developed or adopted by the school is taught
Impact: the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received
Curriculum Vision Statement:
'By the time children leave Navigation they will be learners who are inspired to be physically confident and fit and healthy enough to take on challenges including competitive sport. They will develop their coordination, tactics, fitness and skills in a range of sports and games.'
Our vision is that every child has the opportunity to take part in physical activity, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We provide opportunities to develop fundamental skills, life skills; such as confidence and resilience to ensure all pupils are physically confident and competent. We hope that through the opportunities on offer at our school that the children will develop a love for sport and that when they leave school, they understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyles.
Our curriculum vision statement outlines our broad goals for P.E., whereas our whole school curriculum progression map and overview gives a detailed breakdown of what each year group is taught. Go to the bottom of the page and you can open these documents and take a look.
In this section, we hope to clarify how we implement the objectives of our curriculum. At Navigation, we see P.E. as key to developing happy, healthy and physically confident learners. As a result, we dedicate a lot of curriculum time to this subject. Each class does two hours of P.E. a week, one indoor and one outdoor session. Each class will cover different units over the course of the year, generally, one per half term for both indoor and outdoor P.E. The units are arranged to give children a taste of different sports and activities, but also to build on previous learning and skills so as to improve their skills in a methodical and effective manner.
Promotion of sport and fitness:
We acknowledge that not every child will always relish the prospect of engaging in sport. Equally, we note nationally, in the last academic year, among year 6 pupils, 26.5% of boys were obese and 20.3% of girls (NHS Digital 2022). As a result, we are keen that rather than just seeing P.E. and the promotion of physical fitness as something that is contained in P.E. lessons, we see encouraging and facilitating healthy lifestyles as a fundamental part of the culture of our school. We want to encourage all children to develop a positive attitude toward physical activity and to find something that interests and inspires them. Some approaches such as a broad extra-curricular offer and lots of competitions are explained below, but value we place on developing physical skills and confidence is key.
During playtimes, children are free to choose what they want to do and play, but there is equipment out for competitive sport available. We organise this using a rota and the sports mirror those that children study in P.E, so that they can consolidate on their skills create a positive association between having free time and engaging in sports. Previously, football was the only sport the children played and it was a small number of the same boys who played it. Our current approach has improved inclusion in sports during breaktimes with a greater gender balance often achieved. With different sports on offer, we have noted that different pupils, who otherwise would not have, will engage with sports too. We also feel this gives pupils a chance to develop and demonstrate our school values such as collaboration and respect.
Sports leaders:
In years 3-6, children are given the opportunity to become sports leaders. These children take part in some training, in which they are taught how to deliver short physically active games to other children. They are given a target year group and organise different activities for those children separate to the main sporting activities on offer during breaks.
At Navigation, we offer a wide range of physically active clubs; before, during and after school that cater to varied interests and age ranges. Following pupil questionnaires, we try to ensure there are different sporting and active clubs rotated throughout the year to give children opportunities to try different clubs. We often have assemblies from new clubs to inspire them to try something new or develop their existing talents further. Our clubs are updated on a termly basis, check out our extra-curricular page for more details about what is on offer this term
In addition to the extra-curricular offer, we aim to provide opportunities for as many children as possible to have the chance to represent our school. We enter a wide range of competitions from the regular features, for example, boys' and girls' football tournaments, local hockey league, dodgeball to multi-skills festivals and orienteering events. We also arrange friendly matches with other local schools, utilising our leaders to help run these events. At Navigation, we ensure that there’s opportunities for all children to represent our school and enter Inclusion festivals, disability football events and the Pantathlon challenge. We aim to provide experiences that the children will remember, ensuring that all children demonstrate the sports values at each event. Every time we enter a competition, the result and a short commentary is listed in our weekly newsletter and shared on twitter.
Gold School's Games Mark:
This year we were awarded the gold standard in the School's Games Mark. This is an external accreditation that schools work toward in order to ensure there is rigour in our PE games curriculum. We are delighted to have achieved this and hope to continue at gold going forward. There is some more information at the bottom of the page if you want to learn more about this.
Competitive sport:
In addition to the extra-curricular offer, there are a series of competitions that children have the chance to participate in. Some of these competitions are regular features, for example, boys' and girls' football tournaments and the local hockey leagues. Others are organised on a more ad hoc basis e.g. friendly matches with other local schools. Over the course of the year, various sports have competitive fixtures with others schools. Every time we play a fixture, the result and a short commentary is listed in our weekly newsletter and shared with parents.
Outdoor and active learning:
Our staff have received a variety of training aimed at promoting active learning and greater use of our outdoor spaces. This is an ongoing point of development for us and we are looking to increase and improve our use of outdoor learning. We have a number of subscriptions that staff have access to which helps them to plan meaningful and active lessons and increase engagement.
Special events:
To maintain the high profile of P.E. throughout the school, at various points in the year special activities are put on in order to for example our 'Healthy Lifestyles Week' has lots of different events taking place around the school to highlight the importance of being physically active. In our festive season, the children take part in a 'Santa dash' and other examples can be found throughout the year.
Each subject is driven forward by a member of staff who monitors the attainment and progress of our children. We do this in a variety of ways including speaking to children, observing lessons and using data gathered from our school’s assessment system. This analysis can then be used to provide support and resources where needed to maintain high standards across all subjects.
In P.E. there are no books as there would be in subjects such as history. Therefore, we rely on the other means of data gathering and analysis listed above. To supplement this, we also do some video observations of various skills throughout the year which the P.E. coordinator can access and ensure that the judgments on the attainment and progress of the children in sound, whilst cross-referencing this with the other data available.
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