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Art is a fantastic subject and gives children the chance to be inspired by famous artists and to express their own creativity. On this page, we hope to present our approach to our art curriculum. To explain how we teach this, we have broken this page into three broad sections: 

Intent: the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain 

Implementation: how the curriculum developed or adopted by the school is taught 

Impact: the outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received


Curriculum Vision Statement:

'By the time children leave Navigation they will have developed knowledge of different artists and techniques, an understanding and appreciation of art and the skill to produce their own pieces of art.'


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Our curriculum vision statement outlines our broad goals for art, whereas our whole school curriculum progression map gives a detailed breakdown of what each year group is taught.  There is also an overview of the different units of work that each year group covers. Go to the bottom of the page and you can open these documents and take a look.



At Navigation, we teach art in units. These lessons can be taught weekly, or sometimes in blocked units. We have a spiral curriculum in which children will advance their skills, building on previous knowledge. For example, every year group will do drawing and painting units, whereas units such as college and sculpture are revisited every other year. Most art work is kept in a sketchbook that follows the children up as they progress through the school. There are some exceptions to this, like sculpture. The majority of year groups will do at least four units of art work over the course of the year, but there are examples of incidental art that take place too in cross-curricular work or during special events. 


Periodically, children are also given art projects to complete at home e.g. during the king's coronation there was a school-wide competition to make a crown and the children produced some wonderful examples. We value the expression of the children's work and so make an effort to display this around the building where possible, both in the classroom and communal areas. We celebrate good examples and efforts during our Friday morning assembly.



Each subject is driven forward by a member of staff who monitors the attainment and progress of our children. We do this in a variety of ways including speaking to children, looking at their learning in their books, observing lessons and using data gathered from our school’s assessment system. This analysis can then be used to provide support and resources where needed to maintain high standards across all subjects.




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Navigation Primary School

Hawarden Road



WA14 1NG

Contact Mrs Turner

0161 912 5937


'Working Together. Learning Together.'