Children learn at different rates and show a great variety in the ways in which they learn best. Teachers take this into account when they organise their lessons. This is known as differentiating the curriculum. However, some children still find it much harder to learn than others of the same age and may need extra help. This may be because they have difficulties with:
• Reading, writing, number work or understanding information
• Expressing themselves or understanding what is being said to them
• Organising themselves
• Understanding and following rules and routines
• Making friends or relating to adults
• A medical condition
• A sensory need such as a difficulty with seeing or hearing
These children are said to have Special Educational Needs. (This does not include children who are having trouble keeping up because their first language is not English).
The aim of this section of the website is to provide you with a link to sources of more information and help with these areas. If you have any questions at all then please speak to the school's Special Educational Needs co-ordinator Mrs Lattin as your first port of call (SENDCO@navigationprimary.com).
The Trafford children’s services directory also lots of fantastic information. Search for key terms such as ‘dyslexia’ to find access to all that is on offer locally. Trafford Local Offer
There is a video, produced by Trafford, which explains their local offer: Video about Trafford's offer
There are many different areas of need. Below you will find some more information on these different areas. The links will take you to some fantastic resources and access to specialised knowledge. Please speak to Mr Harrison if you require any further information: my door is always open!
A great resource in Trafford is the council website which a section on SEN. Whilst it may not be as well presented as Navigation Primary’s it has lots of useful information. Trafford Council
We also know that no two children are the same and all children are taught as individuals. Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), also known at Dyslexia
‘Specific learning difficulties’ is an umbrella term which indicates that pupils have particular difficulty with one or more aspects of learning, but not all of them. The term covers problems with:
• dyslexia (reading and writing);
• dyscalculia (maths);
• dyspraxia (co-ordination);
• dysgraphia (writing).
Pupils with Dyslexia may have particular difficulty in learning to read, write, spell or use numbers. Their performance in these areas is likely to be below their performance in other areas. These children may quickly gain skills in some subjects not in others. Pupils may also have problems with short-term memory, with organisation skills and with co-ordination. Dyslexia covers the whole ability range and the difficulty may vary from mild to very severe. Here is a link to the Dyslexia Trust.
Pupils with dyscalculia have difficulty in acquiring mathematical skills. Pupils may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack basic understanding about numbers and have problems learning number facts and procedures.
Pupils with dyspraxia have difficulty with organising movement and often appear clumsy. Pupils may have poor balance and co-ordination and may be hesitant in many actions (running, skipping, hopping, holding a pencil, doing jigsaws, etc). Their speech sounds may be immature and their language late to develop. They may also have poor awareness of body position. Navigation Primary School teaches in a dyslexia-friendly way and provides extra support to learners where appropriate. This website below has further information which you may find useful. Here is a link to the Dyspraxia Foundation.
Speech, language and communication needs covers a broad set of difficulties. It can include those who have difficulty producing accurate sounds (expressive language) and those who have trouble understanding language and using language to express themselves (receptive language).
Pupils with SEMH needs may have high general ability or be less able. Their needs can vary from quite mild to very severe. The one thing they all have in common is that their SEMH needs are a barrier to learning. Because of this, they may not be progressing as well as they should with their learning. The term ‘SEMH’ covers a wide range of difficulties. Some pupils may be withdrawn or isolated or have emotional disorders such as depression. Others may lack concentration or behave in ways which disrupt the class. Some may lack the social skills they need in order to learn alongside other children. http://www.sebda.org
Hearing impairment (HI) – if your child has a hearing difficulty please let us know so that we can put in place appropriate support.
Visual impairment (VI) - if your child has a visual difficulty please let us know so that we can put in place appropriate support.
If you know of anyone who may need support as they are a child or young person caring for a parent or sibling or they may have a sibling with complex needs then Trafford Time Out Project can help. They are a service which provides a range of support for children and young people. If you require any further information then please contact Mrs. Lattin or visit their website below:
In addition, Beechwood Family Support Service offer confidential counselling and support to all family members where somebody has been diagnosed with a serious illness. Call 0161 476 0384 or email family@beechwoodcancercare.co.uk
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