Who are we?
The Governing Body of Navigation Primary School was re-constituted on 5th March 2015. There are thirteen governors as follows: the head teacher (Joanne Patterson) one elected staff governor (Lucy Hetherington), two elected parent governors (Laura McMahon and Matthew Bristow), one local authority governor (Vacant) and seven co-opted governors (Adam Dooley, Amy Johnston [chair], Elijah Kalambayi, Richard Laverick (vice chair), Pedro Malheiro, Helen Nisbet,Clem Studholme and Mair Roberts) and an associate governor with voting rights (James Bonsall).
The Governing Body believes that the current structure is appropriate for its current activities but continually keeps it under review. The Governing Body will also co-opt individuals with specific skills and knowledge to assist in the work of the sub-committees.
A co-opted governor is one who is appointed by the governing body and is a person who, in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
The attendance for the governors can be found at the bottom of the page.
Who are we responsible to?
School governors are responsible to and must be prepared to explain their actions to anyone with a valid interest in the school. This includes parents, staff, pupils, the LEA, DfES and the local community.
What is our core purpose?
Our job is to work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review so that all our children have the best opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Our key objectives are:
• to set high standards for all children and clear targets for improvement
• to agree policies, targets and priorities
• to monitor and review aims and objectives and whether policies, targets and priorities are being achieved
• to be a critical friend in this process by asking probing questions and through working with the head and the staff. As governors we support the work of the school but we do not get involved in its day to day running
• to help the school be responsive to the needs of parents and the community
How do we achieve our objectives?
The blueprint for school improvement is the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
The SIP is the mechanism by which we can monitor how well the school is doing its job. A good plan will have clear goals and success criteria, which the governors can then review, at regular intervals. Governors at Navigation Primary set their own targets as part of the plan. Although raising standards is our key objective, governors also monitor many other aspects of school life - the achievement of different ethnic groups, lateness, behaviour, pupil and parent feedback on school and how our school performs in comparison with schools with similar intakes.
However, above all the Governors support the school and staff to ensure that each and every pupil has the best possible opportunity and maximise their abilities.
Meetings and committees
The full governing body meets once at least once a term but in our case most of the work (and reviewing of the SIP) is done in two main committees- Curriculum and Finance, Personnel & Facilities. Both committees meet at least termly, and contribute to the overall objective of raising standards. We look at governors’ strengths to ensure that each committee is made up of people who can make properly informed decisions. The last review was undertaken in January 2025.
In 2020, the school was pleased to retain our ‘Good’ assessment. In the previous short inspection in April 2016 the Ofsted letter reflects the contribution of the governing body, with the inspector observing that ‘The governors I met are highly knowledgeable and have a very good oversight of the school’s assessment information. They are fully involved in setting the vision for the school and quality assuring the information presented to them by school staff.’ This has continued throughout.
In 2024/25 the governing body is focussing on ensuring that the school is on a fiscally sound foundation, that health and safety requirements are met and and on monitoring the school’s progress against delivery of the SIP - ensuring children's well-being needs are being met and they are recieving a first class curriculum athat prepares them for the next phase of their life.
The Curriculum Committee
The members of the Curriculum Committee are - Richard Laverick [Chair] , Lucy Hetherington, Mair Roberts, Pedro Malheiro, Laura McMahon, Clem Studholme and Joanne Patterson [Head]. This committee monitors the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and the National Curriculum and the standards and quality of teaching and learning. The curriculum committee has within its composition nominated governors for - mathematics, English, the arts, EYFS and IT. Those governors take a particular interest in that part of the curriculum. There is also a nominated SEND governor - ensuring there is good provision for children with special needs is a key responsibility for the governors.
The Curriculum Committee spent time considering the impact of shool closures on the pupils at Navigatiion, the ways in which they have been supported and the curriculum has is being adated to ensure catch-up, continuity and progression in the children's learning. Governors have also discussed key data giving the results of pupil achievement, attainment and progress so that we can be sure that the school is on track to fulfil its targets for all pupils. The committe also focuses upon how the Pupil Premium & Sports Funding Grants are being spent by the school and what impact this has on the pupil outcomes. Governors will also analyse the training being given to staff to ensure there are good opportunities for all.
The Finance, Personnel and Facilities Committee
The members of this committee are - Matthew Bristow, Adam Dooley, Elijah Kalambayi, Helen Nisbet (chair), Amy Johnson and Joanne Patterson [Head]. This committee deals with matters of health and safety, building maintenance, pay, staff recruitment, discipline and grievances and also oversees the budget. The committee aims to link the curriculum, staffing and premises key objectives to the amount of money we have to spend.
In the 2023- 2024 the FP&FC signed off the 2023-24 budget and approved the 2024/25 budget plan for the school and this is reviewed at each committee meeting. The priority of our budget is focused on standards, value for money and ensuring that the right resources are targeted to achieving excellence in teaching and supporting the wider needs of the children. THe FPFC also reviews all matters around health and safety and the premises.
Governing bodies must have policies which cover every aspect of school life in place. All school policies are available from school but some of the more commonly requested ones are available in the website polices section. The governing body must ensure that all school policies are reviewed on a regular basis.
A Johnston, Chair of Governors
Hawarden Road
WA14 1NG
0161 912 5937