All admissions, excluding nursery, are dealt with by Trafford Council. The application process for children, born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, to start primary school in September 2025, will open in September 2024. The closing date for primary admissions is 15th January 2025. School offers will be made by Trafford LA on 16th April 2025.
Further details can be found by clicking here for Trafford Admissions.
If you are considering applying for a nursery place, please check the map of our catchment area below and then complete and return the Nursery Application Form to school at the address below. Copies of the form are also obtainable from the school office. Please see our Admissions Policy for criteria for admission to nursery.
We will be hosting tours for parents who are considering Navigation as their child's school on the following dates:
25th September at 10 am
30th September at 2.30 pm
16th October at 5pm
28th November at 9.30 am (full)
Additional date added : Tuesday 7th January 2025 - 2.30pm
Places are limited so please email the office on admin@navigationprimary.com and we will acknowledge your place.
Navigation Primary School
Hawarden Rd
WA14 1 NG
Hawarden Road
WA14 1NG
0161 912 5937